Tuesday, January 12, 2010

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Elizabeth and I work at the Coffey County Library-Burlington Branch, where I am the Assistant Branch Director. I started in 2002 as a Library Assistant and then was hired for the ABD position in 2005! With my new position I was given the privilege of doing the children's programming. I enjoy it so much! The kids are hilarious and it gives me an opportunity to be creative, which I LOVE!

I am so excited to be a part of this program and to learn about some of these new tools that are available. I'm only 26, but it seems like I am so far out of the technology loop already, so this will hopefully help catch me back up. Many of the youth that come into the library use some of these sites, so it will be nice to be able to answer any questions that come up, though I'm betting they will be answering more of mine :) It will also be great to use some of these networking sites for our library to better promote our programs and materials we have available. I think this is going to be a big benefit to our library as well as to myself. Thanks!

Yay for my first blog!! I did it. This should come in handy for summer reading ideas as well as just general program idea sharing. Excellent :)


Val said...

Hi Beth, Look at me! I'm commenting. Nice blog!

Jean said...

Hello Beth,

It is nice to meet you! Val and I go WAY back!! Did you grow up in B-ton? Your blog looks amazing. I am excited about all this new technology stuff.

Elizabethie said...

Thanks Jean! I hear about you quite often, usually Val reminiscing about the good times you guys had in college. I did grow up in Burlington. I've lived here, for the most part, my whole life. ;)
I'm really excited about this class too. It doesn't take long before you are completely behind and out of the loop. We are going to fit in with all the teenagers now! LOL

momader said...

Hey Beth,
Wow! What a blog. You spent a bunch of time on this! Looks good. Having a good time out west! To bad I have to come back.
See you Monday!

Elizabethie said...

I just went to pimpmyprofile.com and they have layouts that were already made. It was quick and easy. Just paste the html code onto blogger.

We are glad you're back Monica!

"In My Book" - Melany To You said...


Beautiful blog. How do you add the pictures and tabs on top. How did you add the page of 23 things on the left hand tab? Lots to learn yet for me!

Ginger Kraft, Coffey County Library, Assistant Branch Dir, 620-836-3905 said...

Your website looks so GREAT!! You have done a very nice job!

Elizabethie said...

Thank you and nice to meet you. :)
If you go to your "dashboard" then click "layout." From there you can add what they call "gadgets" to your blog page. I used the slideshow and links gadgets. You can also drag and drop them where you would like them to be. The tabs on my page were part of the template I chose. There were a few cool websites that you can go to and choose which template you like and then paste the "html code" into your blog. You go to your "dashboard" again and then "layout" and then to "edit html." Delete the old html and paste the new in. The websites I like are pyzam.com, snazzyspace.com and pimpmyprofile. I used to have a myspace page, so I discovered these sites through there. Good luck! Oh, we have a staff member, Monica Mader (she's doing this class too), who grew up in/near Colby. Anywho. Have a great week!

Elizabethie said...

Thanks Ginger! How are you liking this class? I still haven't started the lesson for this week.

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